Quinteto Latino Seminario Institute 2020
Quinteto Latino is an advocacy organization with a professional wind quintet at its core, advocating on behalf of Latinos in classical music: audiences, composers, arts education equity and musicians. The Quintet’s musician advocacy programming is called SeminarioQLX and the culmination of the SeminarioQLX programming is a biennial conference of Latinx musicians from around the US. The 2020 conference will consists of 2 days of virtual workshops and meetings on August 27 and 28. In addition, a national webinar will be hosted in September to share the EID discussions with the field at large.
The desired outcomes for the conference are
- Continue to create a national network of Latinx classical musicians
- Take action as cohort of Latinx classical musicians from around the U.S.
- Come out of the conference with recommendations for webinar and our call to the field about Latinx classical musicians
Participants will include the 5 musicians from Quinteto Latino as well as 20 professional Latinx classical musicians from around the country.
2020 Committee Artists
Arturo Rodriguez / flute | San Francisco, CA
Evan Sanchez / oboe | Los Angeles, CA
Medina / clarinet | New York, NY,
Kika Wright / bassoon | Baltimore, MD
Vince Dominguez / clarinet | Providence, RI
Alex Rodriguez / bassoon | Pittsburg, CA
For more information
Email: https://mailchi.mp/0c3449081af1/qlxs2020-launch
Eventbrite: https://qlxs2020.eventbrite.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/584277995577168
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CECtMZVgzP4/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/QuintetoLatino/status/1295800961038942208
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6701574231165153280